Berry Honey


Berry honey is a blend of honey from various floral sources from fruit orchards in mid Himalayan ranges. This honey has the combined properties of various uni-floral honeys. Bee boxes are kept in different orchards of apple, kiwi, plum, pomegranate and pear, where variety of natural fruit flora exists. Abundant glucose and fructose in this honey provide slow release of sustained energy lasting for hours.


It contains life-supporting vitamins, minerals, and naturally occurring enzymes.  This honey is used to treat high blood pressure, diabetes, skin conditions, periodontal infections, throat infections and allergies. It contains an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide, which makes it antibacterial and anti-fungal.

Suitable For(Age Group)     Not for infants who are less than 12 months old.

Expiry(Shelf Life) 18 months
Ingredients It’s 100 % multii-floral raw honey
Point of Origin Mid-Himalayas (Himachal Pradesh)
Allergy Warning(If Any) None
SKU: ABH001 Category:


Raw, unprocessed, pure honey collected from bees kept in berry orchards

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